MARCH 31, 2009
Members Present: Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Peter Lacy, Jim Dunn, Rick Bates, Glenn Gaudette, Don Mancini, Marilynn Foley
The meeting was called to order at 6:15.
The Committee discussed Article 6B - using IIF funds to make repairs to town buildings. Peter thought this was not an appropriate use of IIF funds. A motion by Jim 2nd by Paul to recommend approval of Article 6B to the town meeting to borrow $125,000.00 from the IIF for repairs to town building to be repaid to the IIF in 5 years or less at 0% interest was voted 7 to 1 in favor (opposed Peter).
A motion by Marilynn 2nd by Glenn to elect Paul to be Vice Chairman was voted unanimously.
The Committee recessed to the Special Town Meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary